The sale is not complete until the financing is in place.

Regardless of the equipment you sell or the cost, your sale is not complete until the financing is in place. Successful equipment vendors whether they be manufacturers, distributors, importers or dealers, all utilize financing to show they are “easy to buy from” and their products are “affordable.”

Proactively offering financing by incorporating a monthly payment with every sales quote significantly speeds up the sales cycle, decreases discounting and often increases the overall sale when the customer adds additional items once they see the small incremental increase in the monthly payment.

ACP is a Direct Lender.

We provide extremely competitive pricing, fast turnaround time, and better service levels for you and your customers throughout the life or their contract.

  • Wide Credit Appetite: (A to C credits) for transactions ranging from $3,000 to $250,000.

  • Funding: up to 100% available.

  • Marketing support:  email campaigns, trade show support, advertising, etc.

How can we custom-tailor a financing program for you?

Courteous, professional service coupled with rapid credit turnaround and prompt vendor payments are only the beginning at ACP.

We can process and approve the widest range of credits from A to C credits at structures that are agreeable to your customer. This leads to more sales for you. Our application only programs offer same day turnaround and our financial disclosure applications are reviewed and approved before our competitors even understand them.

Even with our broad range of resources, there are some credits that cannot be approved. We can help you to pre-qualify your prospects early in the sales cycle so you and your sales force are not wasting precious time and resources on those prospects that will never be approved for the financing needed to close the sale.

Equipment Vendor Partners